SERVICES we provide
Pediatric Surgeries
Egypt Mission, 2019
We successfully completed 12 complex laparoscopic and 27 cleft lip/cleft palate surgeries. It was a success due to the collaborative efforts of both the SVI team and the skilled local Mansoura professionals which included surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, residents, medical students, and staff.
Since 2007, Surgical Volunteers International has treated pediatric patients in Egypt, Vietnam, Guatemala, Columbia, Haiti, Mongolia, Brazil, India, Nicaragua and Cambodia. We look forward to continuing to change lives by providing children around the world with much-needed surgical care.
People who live in rural areas of developing countries are severely underserved when it comes to surgical treatments. Given the political instability that so commonly exists in these nations, as well as the limited access to medical resources and the cost of treatment, patients in need of surgery rarely receive the care that they need. Even those who are lucky enough to have access to medical care are still disadvantaged due to inadequately trained medical professionals and a lack of proper medical equipment. Unfortunately, this means that many patients do not receive the necessary care, and either die or live with debilitating conditions.
Difficulties of Surgery
For patients who are able to receive surgical care, the risks of surgery might be even more problematic than a patient’s underlying condition. Most medical facilities lack the technology, expertise and anesthetic techniques needed to provide a safe and effective surgery. For these reasons, patients who receive care often experience very difficult recovery periods, and may even experience life-long challenges due to surgical complications.
How We Help
Surgical Volunteers International helps by providing minimally invasive surgical care to children in need of a variety of procedures. Using laparoscopic surgery techniques, we have been able to provide life-changing treatments that produce less pain, minimal scarring and a quicker return to normal activities. These techniques are responsible for incredible quality of life improvements that would not be attainable with the type of care that patients would otherwise have to rely on. We are proud to provide patients who ordinarily would not have access to surgical treatments with safe and necessary care. Some of the procedures we commonly perform include:
- Inguinal and umbilical hernia surgery
- Pediatric laparoscopic procedures
- Undescended testes repair
- Hiatal hernia repair
- Megacolon repair
- Repair of imperforate anus
How You Can Help
Our efforts are made possible entirely thanks to the help of our dedicated volunteers and our generous donors. If you’d like to join our mission, we welcome you to fill out a volunteer inquiry. If you are interested in providing a donation, please visit our online donate page.